
Amendments to the US Constitution

Amendment: An addition to or change in the US Constitution

Bill of Rights: The first 10 amendments to the Constitution. They protect certain basic rights of the people from the power of the US Government.


Bill of Rights (Amendments 1-10)

1 - Secures freedom of Speech, Religion, Assembly, The Press, Petition the Government

2- Protects the right to bear arms

3 - No quartering of soldiers

4 - Protects from unreasonable searches and seizures

5 - Guarantees the no one can be deprived of "life, liberty, or property" without due process. No self-incrimination (right to "remain silent") No double-jeopardy.

6 - Guarantees the right to a trial with an impartial jury (innocent until PROVEN guilty) and an attorney.

7 - Guarantees the right to a trial in most civil cases.

8 - No cruel or unusual punishments. No excessive bail or fines.

9 - Rights not mentioned in the Constitution automatically belong to the people.

10 - Powers not mentioned in the Constitution do NOT automatically belong to the Federal Gov. but remain with the States/People.

Other Notable Amendments

13 - Abolishes slavery (ratified-1865)

14 - Citizenship, "equal protection of the laws" (1868)

15 - Voting rights for African-American men (1870)

16 - Income tax (1913)

17 - Direct elections of senators (1913)

18 - Liquor prohibited (1919)

19 - Voting rights for women (1920)

21 - Repealed the 18th amendment. Liquor legal again. (1933)

22 - Presidents limited to 2 terms (1951)

26 - Voting age lowered to 18 (1971)